See a seen. A shape inviolate of wonder often has possi bilities unthought. Numbers expressed are an orb extended. Rays recall an orches tral set. The musician can do whatnot, exploring music.
The work in twelve parts is an explanation of layers in the context of human churn:
1. the physical being that is the city performed as a piece of earth representing the dehumanized view of a city as viewed from space;
1. the physical being that is the city performed as a piece of earth representing the dehumanized view of a city as viewed from space;
See a seen.
A shape inviolate of wonder often has possi bilities unthought.
Numbers expressed are
an orb extended. Rays
recall an orches
tral set. The musician
can do whatnot, exploring
A shape inviolate of wonder often has possi bilities unthought.
Numbers expressed are
an orb extended. Rays
recall an orches
tral set. The musician
can do whatnot, exploring
My feel for language is deep. In a simple conversation with someone, I may start unraveling the rhetorical features of my co-conversant's speech. Almost effortlessly, I can write rhyming accentual-syllabic verse or sing extemporaenous rhyming songs.