One, 1, None (Ninth Draft)
See a seen.
A shape inviolate
of wonder often has possi
bilities unthought.
Numbers expressed are
an orb extended. Rays
recall an orches
tral set. The musician
can do whatnot, exploring
To restrict—
district—them, a scattered
cantata, a tested symbology,
two beautiful songbirds are wrapped,
caged, &
freed, released to
extension, allowed
room, extrapola
ting that value
ed via
motions, thoughts,
a simple cusp,
intent of accident,
stasis in
glorious manifests,
englobing, arousing,
merged in, entirely
one. That becoming, an
ocean via duct:
to 3, 4—counted,
adding reality, intention,
removing it, a
Subtlety moving around, a
way, to convince, to see . . . .
A shape inviolate
of wonder often has possi
bilities unthought.
Numbers expressed are
an orb extended. Rays
recall an orches
tral set. The musician
can do whatnot, exploring
To restrict—
district—them, a scattered
cantata, a tested symbology,
two beautiful songbirds are wrapped,
caged, &
freed, released to
extension, allowed
room, extrapola
ting that value
ed via
motions, thoughts,
a simple cusp,
intent of accident,
stasis in
glorious manifests,
englobing, arousing,
merged in, entirely
one. That becoming, an
ocean via duct:
to 3, 4—counted,
adding reality, intention,
removing it, a
Subtlety moving around, a
way, to convince, to see . . . .