Parsing the Phrasing: Obergefell v. Hodges
My feel for language is deep. In a simple conversation with someone, I may start unraveling the rhetorical features of my co-conversant's speech. Almost effortlessly, I can write rhyming accentual-syllabic verse or sing extemporaenous rhyming songs. I can copy almost any sound in any language and speak fluently in tongues with the sounds of dozens of languages. Since I was a very young boy, I've been drawn to the magic and beauty of simple text, simply as visual presentations. I pun so much that sometimes layers of meaning and languages are required to make a pun of mine real, and the layers go so deep that I can read a poem of mine and feel the pun but have lost track of all the links and no longer remember what I was saying.
And I follow the activities of the U.S.
And I follow the activities of the U.S.