Everything is a poem. Everything is some ossature of information. The breathing may be gone from some, but the breathing once was there. The webbing of structural bone remains. The outline of meaning endures.

ecr. l'inf.

Buy it at Xerolage for US$6.(Or Amazon, but don't tell mIEKAL if you buy it there, where it's more expensive.)

If you imagine, for a moment, that there is a world so solid and firm that you can understand every part of it, you are thinking of anything except these poems, which twist perception, textual meaning, and expectation into the shapes of balloon animals controlled by the optical illusion that is the gift of sight itself: We see only when that part of us that perceives the visual, that p

A photograph is a fraction of a vision. At times, a fraction of a fraction. A photograph is an angle without a plane. A slice of sight. A subtraction from wide-eyedness. A memory recalled but depthless. The edited viewscape. What is left when the ignored is left out.

A word is sometimes a part of a word, a fraction of a thought's thought. It changes in the editing of it. We see by slicing away, hear by listening to the narrow corner, read by not seeing it all.

A sight begins before we see it.

The performance is not the poem; the poem is the performance. 

ecr. l’inf.
Blog Archive
Blog Archive
Future Appearances in Space
Future Appearances in Space
This is a list of where I expect to be on the road in the future. If anyone knows of anything of possible interest to me happening in these places at these times, drop me a line, though I can’t be sure I’ll have the time for anything.

  • 3-5 October 2011: Buffalo, New York
  • 6-8 October 2011: Cheyenne, Wyoming
  • 19-22 October 2011: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

  • Upcoming Readings and Performances
    Upcoming Readings and Performances
    1 October 2011
    The Grey Borders Reading Series
    Niagara Artists Centre
    354 St. Paul Street
    St Catharine's, Ontario
    Geof Huth, NF Huth, and Angela Szczepaniak
    8:00 pm

    My Books
    A kaleidoscopic review of visual poetry and related forms of art over the centuries, joined with the recollections of one contemporary visual poet. Topics of interest include visual prose, comics art, illustrated books, minimalist poetry, and visually-enhanced textual poetry.
    Blogs and Websites
    Blogs and Websites
    visual poetry: poetry for the eye’s mind
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