something about the day after yesterday

something about that

something about having had it before

something about not knowing what to do

something about carnivores

something about the sound sliding under the door

something about loss

something about adventure at a price

something about reality

something about the heaviness of gravity

something about desire

something about the mandragora, the mandrake, the root

something about hoping for something

something about something slipping through your fingers

something about paralysis

something about arcs

something about the seven deadly sins

something about the four horsemen of the apocalypse

something about Eve in Eden

something about carousing before dark

something about my words

something about the escape of breath


Maybe it is that I think every book is a roman à clef, and every character within it is a character from real life. Or maybe I think every book is a roman fleuve, and the story within each extends for volumes, even if sometimes from outside the pages of the book itself.

Or maybe it is that I re-experience, within the words my daughter has written, parts of our life, because the only stories we can tell are our own.
Blog Archive
Blog Archive
Future Appearances in Space
Future Appearances in Space
This is a list of where I expect to be on the road in the future. If anyone knows of anything of possible interest to me happening in these places at these times, drop me a line, though I can’t be sure I’ll have the time for anything.

  • 3-5 October 2011: Buffalo, New York
  • 6-8 October 2011: Cheyenne, Wyoming
  • 19-22 October 2011: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

  • Upcoming Readings and Performances
    Upcoming Readings and Performances
    1 October 2011
    The Grey Borders Reading Series
    Niagara Artists Centre
    354 St. Paul Street
    St Catharine's, Ontario
    Geof Huth, NF Huth, and Angela Szczepaniak
    8:00 pm

    My Books
    A kaleidoscopic review of visual poetry and related forms of art over the centuries, joined with the recollections of one contemporary visual poet. Topics of interest include visual prose, comics art, illustrated books, minimalist poetry, and visually-enhanced textual poetry.
    Blogs and Websites
    Blogs and Websites
    visual poetry: poetry for the eye’s mind
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