We come out of darkness—and it is the darkness inside our own mothers.

Created in the formless dark, we take shape only within the light, eyes squeezed pudgily shut, hands in tight fists shaking at the new bright cold.

Slowly, the world takes shapes, we open our eyes, we learn to focus, our fists relax into working hands, and we make things with those hands for the benefit of those eyes.

And sometimes what we make are visual poems.

I am left sometimes stunned by beauty, because I could not imagine it but there it was.

And visual poetry can work with the beauty of the word, the image, the wordimage, and context.

Responses, collected from waxy shards of hearings of the words and meanings of a reading of poetry given in Kingston, New York, on 19 October 2013, by John Bloomberg-Rissman, introduced by Anne Gorrick introducing Lynn Behrendt reading. No poem is meant, but made, in the running of these words.

Months ago now, I received a hardcopy version of Electronic Literature Collection, Volume Two, which included my main work of true coded digital poetry, ENDEMIC BATTLE COLLAGE. And I'd meant to post a few words about it, especially since it was interesting to receive a booklike object (with a USB stick in its center) to hold and represent digital poetry. The editors had a point with this.

I answer questions from Gary Barwin about pwoermds. As easy as writing a blog posting.

ecr. l'inf.
A kaleidoscopic review of visual poetry and related forms of art over the centuries, joined with the recollections of one contemporary visual poet. Topics of interest include visual prose, comics art, illustrated books, minimalist poetry, and visually-enhanced textual poetry.