In Place of Placing
Hotel 71, Room 2812, Chicago, Illinois
I am in Chicago for the annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists. This year is the 75th anniversary of the association, so the celebrations are a little more enhanced than in the past. Still, I will be missing the giant all-attendees reception tonight because I'll be giving a poetry performance ("reading" doesn't seem to be the right term for what I do) with Steve Roggenbuck as part of the Red Rover reading series. Our joint performances will constitute Red Rover Experiment # 49: Full-Body Poetics, and I'll try to live up to that title even though I'll be working with a back I twisted out of whack by gently rotating my torso while in the opening plenary session yesterday morning.
I am in Chicago for the annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists. This year is the 75th anniversary of the association, so the celebrations are a little more enhanced than in the past. Still, I will be missing the giant all-attendees reception tonight because I'll be giving a poetry performance ("reading" doesn't seem to be the right term for what I do) with Steve Roggenbuck as part of the Red Rover reading series. Our joint performances will constitute Red Rover Experiment # 49: Full-Body Poetics, and I'll try to live up to that title even though I'll be working with a back I twisted out of whack by gently rotating my torso while in the opening plenary session yesterday morning.