April Approacheth
April, the cruelest month (at least to poets), arrives at the end of this week, and with it comes the Fourth International Pwoermd Writing Month (InterNaPwoWriMo IV). As usual, I will celebrate by posting at least one pwoermd a day to the InterNaPwoWriMo blog, which lies fallow for eleven months of the year in order to be ready for a full month's bloom in April.
Also as usual, I am looking for others to join me in celebrating this month. Last year, there were eighteen other participants in a number of countries and writing in various languages. Any language is acceptable, and visual pwoermds (like ƏC's above) are encouraged. So the only limit to this poems is that they can be no more than one word long and cannot have a title besides the title they themselves are.
Also as usual, I am looking for others to join me in celebrating this month. Last year, there were eighteen other participants in a number of countries and writing in various languages. Any language is acceptable, and visual pwoermds (like ƏC's above) are encouraged. So the only limit to this poems is that they can be no more than one word long and cannot have a title besides the title they themselves are.