As any archeologist knows, stratigraphy is everything.

By examining the strata of an archeological site, you can understand the evolution of the site, how it changed over time, because the lowest stratum is always the oldest and the top is always the latest. Archeologists have to pay attention to the strata to make sense of the past world, and we have to pay attention to the strata to tease out the meaning of the visual poems of Spencer Selby.

From January 22 through March 15, 2008, the Beinecke Library at Yale University ran an exhibit entitled "Metaphor Taking Shape: Poetry, Art, and the Book." The goal of the exhibit included "a broad display of books exploring the ways in which poets, publishers, artists, and printers have navigated the intersection of poetry and art in printed formats."

Harriet Bart before Arion Press' Pattern Poems

Additionally, the exhibition considered "the ways poetry and book arts interact and connect, the

Feel free to forward this very serious sounding announcement anywhere. I see this as a good opportunity to bring some notice to visual poetry, even if the selection of visual poems will be quite small.

A future issue of Poetry magazine will include a small section on contemporary visual poetry edited by Geof Huth. This section, which will include full-color visual poems, will also be released as a separate offprint.

In some future time, the greatest superhero will be someone named Kimono Man, but for now all we have is the image of me within the framework of one of Cathy Bennett's kimonos (which she stores on her flickr page). Cathy has taken the picture of me as "wounded, the illustrated man" and superimposed both the trappings of a kimono and the final paragraph of an essay of mine upon it, creating a beautiful and eerie little verbo-visual whole. My thanks to Cathy for her beautiful work.

Although I have lost the language entirely, German was the second language I learned to read and write (coming, as I often note, just before I learned English), so I find it pleasant to read a book of visual poetry that mixes English and German. Klaus Peter Dencker’s Vers T Ehen is a book of fairly classic, yet remarkably refined, European poesia visiva.

For many years, since its very inception in 1990, I have received the zine ZYX*, edited by Arnold Skemer. The latest issue is number 46 and includes what has, over the years, become the regular features of Arnold’s zine:

1. A sticky note with a small message to me:

Dear Geof: ¶I am encrusted with the primitive. I obstinately persist in technological backwardness. There is a bit of the Luddite in me. What is to be done?2. An opening essay by Arnold.

the blind

night come

my ark takes

to darkness


with the waves

I sleep

through storms

cannot steer

sans stars

sans sight

under cover

I listen

to the dark

rain down

over me

the ark


over waves

my quill

spills ink

black as rain

the floorboards

are stained

black the ceiling

is black my

shoes black

even my fingertips

yet there floats



between ceiling

and floor

between twisting

and torquing

between rolling

and rocking

a single sheet

Tonight, I'm typesetting a book of my poems, those 366 that make up the ineptly titled Longfellow Memoranda. I like typesetting, even though there is tedium associated with it; to my mind, typesetting is a part of the writing: the setting of the words down as they must appear, to concretize their meaning, even if they never appear in that manner again.

Another olla-podrida, this set of “Confessions of a Lexiphanes” includes announcements that go back at least until November. These I’ve arranged stratigraphically, with the oldest ones on the bottom.

Ample Forewarning

Plan on being in Columbus for the Avant Writing Symposium in August 19 - 21, 2010.
Blog Archive
Blog Archive
Future Appearances in Space
Future Appearances in Space
This is a list of where I expect to be on the road in the future. If anyone knows of anything of possible interest to me happening in these places at these times, drop me a line, though I can’t be sure I’ll have the time for anything.

  • 3-5 October 2011: Buffalo, New York
  • 6-8 October 2011: Cheyenne, Wyoming
  • 19-22 October 2011: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

  • Upcoming Readings and Performances
    Upcoming Readings and Performances
    1 October 2011
    The Grey Borders Reading Series
    Niagara Artists Centre
    354 St. Paul Street
    St Catharine's, Ontario
    Geof Huth, NF Huth, and Angela Szczepaniak
    8:00 pm

    My Books
    A kaleidoscopic review of visual poetry and related forms of art over the centuries, joined with the recollections of one contemporary visual poet. Topics of interest include visual prose, comics art, illustrated books, minimalist poetry, and visually-enhanced textual poetry.
    Blogs and Websites
    Blogs and Websites
    visual poetry: poetry for the eye’s mind
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