Tonight, I’ve taken a few words I wrote for a mailart publication I put together today and I’ve refashioned them slightly into a posting. In this context, maybe the words carry different significance:

An envelopzine, it enwraps. It enshrines an assortment of recordings of human tendencies, words and images, colors and blacks and whites, shapes and thoughts, desires and tendencies, loves and losts. It does not mean, but is. It does not continue, but exists. It does not adhere, but floats. Given a purpose, it refuses. Given an opportunity, it looks the other way. Given away, it accepts.

As I told someone recently, I live a virtually newsless life. (I didn’t find out about the assassination of Benazir Bhutto until about 8:30 last night, and that was via email from a friend.) I wake up in the morning at 6:15 or 6:30 and I’m out of the house by 7 am, so I rarely read any of the paper in the morning. Only on days when I’m not carpooling might I listen to the radio, and on those days I receive a modicum of news via National Public Radio.

I received two gifts of poetry today: The Alphabet Game by bpNichol from my sister-in-law and brother-in-law-in-law, and a small snow poem in the style of and from the hand of endwar:

two identical snowflakes

* *

—endwar 2006.12.25

The first gift is one I’ll chew on for a bit.

In high school, mathematics wasn’t my subject, even though I continue to be enthralled by quadratic equations to this day. I had more trouble with geometry than any other mathematics, but in general I understood the concepts perfectly. I merely could not put them into practice. Mathematics required constant and absolute precision, and I’m more a man of words—and words, despite whatever we might hope of them, are always less precise than numbers.

My family and I follow many traditions, some of which existed before I was born and others that we created along the way through our conjoined lives. Tradition has a way of grounding us, of making us comfortable.


after a

zombie movie i

find myself drifting

into a



human being

how a man

(might be me)

might be



how dream

reflects reality hazily

as zombies reflect

humanity imperfectly



from our

nuanced desires come

their single churning

urge to



it is

that they must

and i cannot

make sense



world as

i switch attention

to a man

who hears



narrated over

his day's actions

and this film

is the


During this runup to Christmas, the readers of blogs are, more and more, finding other ways to occupy their time and I'm blogging only slightly, producing nothing more than a little burst of thought each day. I wait patiently for these ideas to come to me, then I make them manifest. Today's idea came in the mail a few days ago.

But let's begin the story a little earlier.

Geof Huth, “snows;;;” (22 Dec 2007)

(Click to Enlarge)

Today, I finally sat down and designed the family holiday card. Lacking time for much handwork, I decided I needed to design a card I could print and fold and send. Vague ideas brew in me for weeks sometimes before I begin to create, and such was the case today.

Back on December 9th, I visited Jonathan Brannen's house. During that time, he showed me a number of publications he owned, some by him and some by others. As we discussed a set of these he said to me, "As I said, these were not destined for the New York Times bestseller list."

I replied, simply, "That's not what we do."

ecr. l'inf.
Blog Archive
Blog Archive
Future Appearances in Space
Future Appearances in Space
This is a list of where I expect to be on the road in the future. If anyone knows of anything of possible interest to me happening in these places at these times, drop me a line, though I can’t be sure I’ll have the time for anything.

  • 3-5 October 2011: Buffalo, New York
  • 6-8 October 2011: Cheyenne, Wyoming
  • 19-22 October 2011: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

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