Page 1115, the Centerfold, and the Sweet Promise of Errata
Some days, I look forward to my retirement, when I hope to be living in New Mexico, close enough to Sedona, Arizona, that I can stop by to see Carol Stetser from time to time and watch her create her xerographic visual poems. For the time being, though, I’ll have to satisfy myself by finding a xero-booklet in my mailbox from Carol when my day is turning towards the providential. Discovering a book like her green-covered toner-splattered booklet, The Meaning of Words, there would be one of those days of good fortune.
Carol Stetser, The Meaning of Words, pages 5 & 6
The structure of this book is simple but musical. It takes place in three movements, with the opening movement as the most complex.
Carol Stetser, The Meaning of Words, pages 5 & 6
The structure of this book is simple but musical. It takes place in three movements, with the opening movement as the most complex.